Saturday, September 15, 2007

The fourth week of school

It is the end of the fourth week of school. I use the SMART board in my daily lessons. I don't have a white board at the front of the classroom, so it serves many purposes. I have found that I can make teaching charts in advance and use them as learning tools for the students. We can make charts together and then I can pull it up the next day and refer back to it. This has been an indispensable tool. Also, during science we are studying living organisms and the differences between vertebrates and invertebrates. I used the Internet to find pictures of many different kinds of living organisms and had the students figure out what category they fell into. It is something they enjoy using, along with it being easy to use.

1 comment:

utgrad78751 said...

Hi Jasmine,

The nice thing about the charts you are making for the Smartboard is that you can use them again next year. Any modifications you want to make can be easily done, too. If you can organize your files and make these kinds of materials now, your life will be that much easier next year!