Sunday, April 13, 2008

blogging once again...

I am very unlucky when it comes to posting on my blog! That pretty much sums up my technology savvy. I was locked out again and it claimed it did not recognize my email address. I was finally able to log in again, thank goodness! While on my job hunt, I am realizing I have been extremely lucky with having a smart board and interwrite and two student computers in my room. I am constantly amazed by how many schools do not have these items in the classrooms. Since I am not in an economically wealthy school district, I wondered why they have these items and other more prominent districts did not. After more thorough questioning in my building, I realized there were a couple of specific teachers that brought this technology to my school in order to create more teaching and learning opportunities for everyone.
I realized as I was reviewing with my students for MAP testing that I have become rather dependent on teaching using my smart board. For example, I was reviewing math using a jeopardy game in powerpoint on my smart board with my class. They absolutely loved it. I started thinking about how much work I would have to do to reproduce this game by hand using paper and a large wall without my projector and smart board. I just wouldn't do it because it would be so time consuming. I just hope I have the same advantages in whatever school I end up in.

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